

Hi! I’m Rachel – I’m Canadian and feel very fortunate to live here – I enjoy discovering new places, health&nutrition,spirituality,self-development,art and crafting,literature,travel and above most – i’m interested in the smallest of things that bring me joy – like the smell of the air after a summer rain fall, or the unpredictable sway of tree branches above-head. It is the small things I live for.

I think….

-Therefore I am.

-Griddles are the key to the perfect pancake.

-Flossing is an easy habit to pick up.

-Box plazas are bomb worthy.

-Socks and sandals are OK in my books.

-There should be first an automatic detection, then an automatic deletion of any Facebook status involving celebrity deaths or weather related crazes – hot or cold.

-I should cover myself in proscuitto and then slowly eat each thin heavenly slice off one-by-one – Yes, I like it that much..however, I am trying for a diet in 99% living foods. That 1% is reserved for chicken.

– Dinner should be eaten at breakfast. In a world full of so many desks and chairs, it only makes sense.

-The cultural greeting  “how are you” should be wiped clean from our mouths, and only used when someone falls off a bike. Statistics show depression is quickly gripping the lives of individuals at a rapid rate – but…everyone is “very well, thank you.” Cut the robotic crap.

-Biking is the most enjoyable outdoor activity (aside from sitting on the dock with a cold one listening to tunes).

-Being able to express thought outside the body is magical and can create miracles.

-Puzzles are actually fun.

-The stem-end of the pickle is the best part.

-People need to hug more!!